Crowley Park Master Plan, Visalia, CA

A masterplan for a centralized park surrounded by 5 commercial office buildings and one amenity building located on 35 acres in Visalia, CA, a small city at the Gateway to Sequoia National Park. Build out will be in phases with one building being built approximately every 1.5 years.  By 2032 there will be 360,000 SF for the central park buildings plus four build-to-suit lots of 62,000 SF for restaurant, hotel and medical office.  Unique to typical development, the luscious central park will be built with Phase 1 with the first 60,000 SF two story office building.  The site and building design incorporates a number of green or sustainable concepts to allow for ability for any of the projects to become a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified project. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.LEED sites and buildings assist building owners in gaining a competitive edge, attract more tenants and also manage performance.